Information processing policy

By submitting an application or sending a message through the form on the website, you (hereinafter referred to as the "User") consent to the processing of your personal data. By taking this action in your interests, you grant the right to (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator"), registered in Australia, to process your data in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) and the Privacy Act of 1988 (Cth), which governs the ways of collecting, using, disclosing, storing, and protecting your data.

To review the full text of the Australian Privacy Principles, please visit the official website of the Australian Information Commissioner's Office:

1. Basic concepts used in the Policy:

1.1. Automated processing of personal data - processing of personal data using computer technology.

1.2. Blocking of personal data - a temporary halt in the processing of personal data (except when processing is required to clarify personal data).

1.3. Website - a combination of graphic and informational materials, as well as computer software and databases that make them accessible on the internet at

1.4. Personal data information system - a set of personal data contained in databases and the information technologies and technical means that process them.

1.5. Anonymization of personal data - actions as a result of which it becomes impossible to determine, without additional information, the affiliation of personal data to a specific User or another personal data subject.

1.6. Processing of personal data - any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without using such tools with personal data, including collection, recording, organization, accumulation, storage, refinement (updating, changing), retrieval, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), anonymization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

1.7. Operator - a state body, municipal body, legal entity, or individual who, alone or jointly with others, organizes and/or processes personal data and also defines the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data to be processed, and the actions (operations) performed with personal data.

1.8. Personal data - any information directly or indirectly related to a specific or identifiable User of the website

1.9. Personal data allowed by the personal data subject for distribution - personal data, access to which for an unlimited number of people is provided by the personal data subject by giving consent to process personal data allowed by the personal data subject for distribution in the manner prescribed by the Personal Data Law (hereinafter - personal data allowed for distribution).

1.10. User - any visitor to the website

1.11. Provision of personal data - actions aimed at disclosing personal data to a specific person or a specific circle of persons.

1.12. Dissemination of personal data — any actions aimed at disclosing personal data to an indefinite group of persons (transmission of personal data) or familiarization with personal data by an unlimited number of persons, including the publication of personal data in the media, placement in information-telecommunication networks, or granting access to personal data in any other way.

1.13. Cross-border transfer of personal data — the transfer of personal data to the territory of a foreign country to the authority of a foreign state, to a foreign individual, or to a foreign legal entity.

1.14. Destruction of personal data — any actions as a result of which personal data are irreversibly destroyed with the impossibility of further restoring the content of personal data in the personal data information system and/or the physical carriers of personal data are destroyed.

2. General Provisions

2.1. The Operator prioritizes and conditions its activities on respecting the rights and freedoms of individuals during the processing of their personal data, including the protection of rights to privacy, personal and family secrets.

2.2. The User confirms their awareness that "processing of personal data" encompasses a range of actions with this data, such as: collection, systematization, storage, clarification, updating, modification, usage, distribution, transmission (including international), anonymization, blocking, destruction, long-term storage, and other possible operations with the data.

2.3. This consent is granted for the processing of personal data using automated tools and without their use.

3. Main rights and obligations of the Operator

3.1. The Operator has the right to:

— obtain and process from the personal data subject accurate information and/or documents containing personal data: surname, first name, patronymic; date of birth; contact phone numbers; email addresses; education and work experience details; information about the country and city of residence; details of current citizenship; information on social, marital, and property status; financial status and income data; property details; health condition; as well as information required to provide consultations and services within the Operator's activities.

 — in the event of withdrawal by the personal data subject of consent to the processing of personal data, and also, if an application is sent with a demand to stop processing personal data, the Operator may continue processing personal data without the consent of the personal data subject if there are grounds specified in the Personal Data Law;

 — independently determine the composition and list of measures necessary and sufficient to ensure the fulfillment of obligations provided for by the Personal Data Law and regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it unless otherwise provided by the Personal Data Law or other federal laws.

3.2. The Operator is obliged to:

— provide the personal data subject, upon request, information related to the processing of their personal data;

— organize the processing of personal data in the manner established by the current legislation of Australia;

— respond to inquiries and requests from personal data subjects and their legal representatives in accordance with the requirements of the Personal Data Law;

— report to the authorized body for the protection of personal data subjects' rights the necessary information within 10 days from the date of receipt of such a request;

— publish or otherwise ensure unrestricted access to this Policy concerning the processing of personal data;

— take legal, organizational, and technical measures to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, dissemination of personal data, as well as from other illegal actions in relation to personal data;

— cease the transmission (distribution, provision, access) of personal data, stop processing, and destroy personal data in the manner and cases provided for by the Personal Data Law;

— fulfill other obligations provided for by the Personal Data Law.

4. Main rights and obligations of personal data subjects

4.1. Personal data subjects have the right to:

— receive information regarding the processing of their personal data, except in cases provided for by federal laws. The Operator provides the personal data subject with this information in an accessible form, and it should not contain personal data relating to other personal data subjects unless there are legal grounds for disclosing such personal data. The list of information and the procedure for its receipt are determined by the Personal Data Law;

 — demand from the Operator clarification of their personal data, its blocking or destruction if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, unlawfully obtained, or is not necessary for the stated processing purpose, and also to take measures provided by law to protect their rights;

 — set a condition of preliminary consent when processing personal data for the purpose of promoting goods, works, and services in the market;

 — revoke consent to the processing of personal data, and also send a demand to cease processing personal data;

 — appeal the Operator's unlawful actions or inaction during the processing of their personal data to the authorized body for the protection of personal data subjects' rights or in court;

 — exercise other rights provided for by Australian legislation.

4.2. Personal data subjects are obliged to:

— provide the Operator with accurate information about themselves;

 — inform the Operator about clarifications (updates, changes) to their personal data.

4.3. Individuals who have provided the Operator with inaccurate information about themselves or information about another personal data subject without their consent bear responsibility in accordance with Australian legislation.


5. Principles of personal data processing

5.1. Personal data is processed on a legal and fair basis.

5.2. Personal data processing is limited to achieving specific, predetermined, and lawful purposes. Processing of personal data that is incompatible with the purposes of personal data collection is not permitted.

5.3. Merging databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for incompatible purposes, is not allowed.

5.4. Only personal data that meets the purposes of its processing is subject to processing.

5.5. The content and volume of personal data being processed correspond to the declared processing purposes. Excessive processing of personal data relative to the declared processing purposes is not permitted.

5.6. During the processing of personal data, the accuracy, sufficiency, and, where necessary, relevance of personal data to the processing purposes are ensured. The Operator takes necessary measures and/or ensures their adoption to delete or clarify incomplete or inaccurate data.

5.7. Personal data is stored in a form that allows the identification of the personal data subject, no longer than the processing purposes require, unless the storage period of personal data is established by federal law, a contract, the party of which, the beneficiary, or the guarantor is the personal data subject. The processed personal data is destroyed or depersonalized upon achieving the processing objectives or if there's no longer a need to achieve these goals, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

6. Purposes of personal data processing

6.1 You confirm your awareness that the personal data you have provided can be used by the Operator for the following purposes: identification when providing services; provision of personalized services, including written and oral consultations; processing and responding to your inquiries; responding to feedback on the Operator's website; conducting analytics and research without personal identification; inclusion of data in the Operator's database; sending informational newsletters, advertising, and marketing materials; registration for upcoming events; fulfilling the functions and obligations of the Operator, as well as improving the quality of services and developing new products and services.

7. Use and Disclosure of Personal Data

7.1 User data is kept confidential and is not made publicly available. However, with the user's permission, it can be published, for example, in reviews on the Operator's website or on social media, as well as when the user participates in events organized by the Operator, including giveaways and contests.

8. Order of collection, storage, transmission, and other types of personal data processing

The security of personal data processed by the Operator is ensured by implementing legal, organizational, and technical measures required to fully comply with the applicable legislation on personal data protection.

8.1. The Operator ensures the safety of personal data and takes all possible measures to prevent access to personal data by unauthorized persons.

8.2. The company guarantees the confidentiality of the received personal data of users and does not share it with third parties, except for strategic partners working with the Operator to provide products and services or assisting in their implementation. The minimal necessary data can be provided for the following purposes: obtaining student visas, invitations for study, insurance, personalized consultations from the Operator's partners in Australia, and joint service provision. Such third parties may include: (1) Australian Immigration Service; (2) Australian educational institutions; (3) affiliated companies and partners of the Operator in Australia and abroad; (4) service organizations, including payment systems, analytical and marketing agencies; (5) government entities when legally necessary. When transmitting data, these parties commit to preserving its confidentiality.

8.3. If inaccuracies in personal data are detected, the User can update them independently by sending a notification to the Operator's email address with the subject "Personal Data Update".

8.4. The term for personal data processing is determined by achieving the goals for which personal data were collected unless another term is stipulated by a contract or current legislation.

The User can revoke their consent to the processing of personal data at any time by sending the Operator a notification via email to the Operator's email address with the subject "Revocation of Consent to Process Personal Data".

8.5. All information collected by third-party services, including payment systems, communication means, and other service providers, is stored and processed by the said parties (Operators) in accordance with their User Agreement and Privacy Policy. The subject of personal data and/or with the specified documents. The Operator is not responsible for the actions of third parties, including those mentioned in this section as service providers.

8.6. Restrictions established by the subject of personal data on transmission (except for providing access), as well as on processing or terms of processing (except for access) of personal data allowed for distribution, do not apply in cases of processing personal data for state, public, and other public interests as defined by Australian law.

8.7. The Operator ensures the confidentiality of personal data during its processing.

8.8. The Operator stores personal data in a form that allows identifying the subject of personal data, no longer than is required by the purposes of processing personal data, unless the storage duration of personal data is set by federal law, a contract, the beneficiary or guarantor of which is the subject of personal data.

8.9. The cessation of personal data processing can be conditioned by the achievement of personal data processing goals, the expiration of the personal data subject's consent term, the withdrawal of consent by the personal data subject, or a requirement to cease the processing of personal data, as well as the identification of unlawful personal data processing.

9. List of actions performed by the Operator with the received personal data

9.1. The Operator carries out collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, modification), retrieval, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, and destruction of personal data.

9.2. The Operator conducts automated processing of personal data with the reception and/or transmission of the received information via information and telecommunication networks or without such networks.

10. Final Provisions

10.1. The User can obtain any clarifications on questions of interest related to the processing of their personal data by contacting the Consultant via email at

10.2. Any changes to the personal data processing policy by the Consultant will be reflected in this document. The policy is effective indefinitely until replaced by a new version.